Tingxi Liang joins BeSensiCom for his 6-month Master thesis

Tingxi Liang is working on AoA estimation of correlated sources with leaky-wave antennas for his 6-month Master thesis (2023).

About BeSensiCom

BeSensiCom investigates new wireless sensing solutions for mmWave and sub-THz wireless communications to better utilize available electromagnetic resources.

We avoid the energy-consuming beamtraining classically done in mobile networks to align base station and user beams. As a result, we drastically decrease communication overheads and energy consumption.

Our approach is to sense in real time the directions of arrival of incoming signals by designing a new class of leaky-wave antennas and dedicated signal processing.


Journal Papers


Conference Papers



Find us

BeSensiCom Project
Sorbonne Université
4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris